Opdracht Book Serialization
Om de serialiseringstechnieken in te oefenen gaan we dezelfde methodes, die we gemaakt hebben voor Postcode, nu maken voor Book.
- Sla de XML hieronder op in een bestand met de naam Book.xml in de Data map.
- Maak een klassenbestand met de naam Book.cs, met daarin de klasse
in de namespaceDotNetCore.Learning
. Baseer je op de structuur van het XML bestand om een Book object te maken met de overeenkomstige properties (de structuur staat beschreven in Ontwerpfase Book App). - Maak een klassenbestand met de naam BookSerializing.cs met daarin de klasse
in de namespaceDotNetCore.Learning
. - In deze klasse maak je de volgende methoden:
- Vermits de opgegeven dataset in XML is beginnen we met een methode die het XML bestand deserialiseert naar een generieke lijst van boeken
. De naam van deze methode isDeserializeFromXml
. - Maak een methode met de naam
die een generieke lijst met boeken serialiseert naar een CSV bestand. - Maak een methode met de naam
die een csv bestand omzet naar een lijst van het typeList<Book>
. - Maak een methode met de naam
die een generieke lijst met boeken serialiseert naar een json bestand. - Maak een methode met de naam
die een json bestand omzet naar een lijst van het typeList<Book>
. - Schrijf een methode die de boeken in de generieke lijst toont in de console met de naam
- Vermits de opgegeven dataset in XML is beginnen we met een methode die het XML bestand deserialiseert naar een generieke lijst van boeken
- Probeer elk van deze methoden uit in de
methode van deProgram
klasse in Program.cs.
De Book XML
Voor de module van Vincent Nys wordt een andere Book.xml gebruikt die op Digitap staat.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?> <Books> <Book> <Title>Nederlandse gewichten; stelsels, ijkwezen, vormen, makers en merken</Title> <Year>1970</Year> <Publisher>Uitgeverssmij De Tijdstroom</Publisher> <Author>K. M. C. Zevenboom & D. A. Wittop Koning</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>Seven Day Circle. The History and Meaning of the Week.</Title> <Year>1986</Year> <City>Chicago and London</City> <Publisher>The University of Chicago Press</Publisher> <Author>Eviatar Zerubavel</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>Number and Pattern in African Cultures, third edition</Title> <Year>1999</Year> <City>Chicago</City> <Publisher>Lawrence Hill Books</Publisher> <Author>Claudia Zaslavsky</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>Windows Presentation Foundation 4.5 Cookbook</Title> <Year>2012</Year> <Publisher>Packt Publishing</Publisher> <Author>Pavel Yosifovich & Jan Jansens</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>Unrolling Time. Christiaan Huygens and the Mathematization of Nature</Title> <Year>1988</Year> <City>Cambridge</City> <Publisher>Cambridge University Press</Publisher> <Author>Joella Yoder</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>The Quest. Energy, Security and the Remaking of the Modern World</Title> <Year>2011</Year> <City>London</City> <Publisher>Allen Lane</Publisher> <Author>Daniel Yergin</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>Money and Credit in China. A short History</Title> <Year>1952</Year> <City>Cambridge, Massachusetts</City> <Publisher>Harvard University Press</Publisher> <Author>Lien-sheng Yang</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>Money and Credit in China. A short History</Title> <Year>1952</Year> <City>Cambridge, Massachusetts</City> <Publisher>Harvard University Press</Publisher> <Author>Lien-sheng Yang</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>The Measure of Times Past. Pre-Newtonian Chronologies and the Rhetoric of Relative Time</Title> <Year>1087</Year> <City>Chicago and London</City> <Publisher>The University of Chicago Press</Publisher> <Author>Donald Wilcox</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>Culture and Inflation in Weimar Germany</Title> <Year>2001</Year> <City>Berkeley Los Angeles London</City> <Publisher>University of California Press</Publisher> <Author>Bernd Widdig</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>Casualties of Credit. The Engisch Financial Revolution 1620-1720</Title> <Year>2011</Year> <City>Harvard University Press</City> <Publisher>Cambridge, Masachusetts, London, England</Publisher> <Author>Carl Wennerlind</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>De aartsvaders. Grondleggers van het Nederlandse bedrijfsleven</Title> <Year>1993</Year> <City>Amstel</City> <Publisher>Olympus</Publisher> <Author>Wim Wennekens</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>The Two-income Trap. Why Middle-class Mothers and Fathers are Going Broke</Title> <Year>2003</Year> <Publisher>Basic Books</Publisher> <Author>Elisabeth Warren & Amelia Tyagi</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>Solon The Liberator. A Study of the Agrarian Problem in Attika in the Seventh Century.</Title> <Year>1938</Year> <City>Oxford</City> <Publisher>Oxford University Press</Publisher> <Author>Robert Wallace</Author> <Edition>Octagon Books, INC., 1965</Edition> </Book> <Book> <Title>The Italian City-Republics</Title> <Year>1969</Year> <City>London</City> <Publisher>World University Library</Publisher> <Author>Daniel Waley</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>Financing Cathedral Building In The Middle Ages. The Generoisity Of The Faithfull</Title> <Year>2010</Year> <City>Amsterdam</City> <Publisher>Amsterdam University Press</Publisher> <Author>Wim Vroom</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>Speurtocht in de prehistorie. Ontmoetingen met onze voorouders</Title> <Year>1962</Year> <City>Utrecht Antwerpen</City> <Publisher>Het Spectrum</Publisher> <Author>G.H.R. Von Köningswald</Author> <Translator>Jan Vrijman</Translator> </Book> <Book> <Title>La dîme royale</Title> <Year>2004</Year> <City>Paris</City> <Publisher>l'Harmattan</Publisher> <Author>Sébastien Vauban</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>Economie in België in kort bestek</Title> <Year>1988</Year> <City>Deurne</City> <Publisher>Kluwer</Publisher> <Author>Robert Vaneputte</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>Een Vlaamse graaf van Europees formaat Filips van de Elzas</Title> <Year>1976</Year> <City>Haarlem</City> <Publisher>Fibula - Van Dishoeck</Publisher> <Author>Hans Van Werveke</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>De Gentsche stadsfinanciën in de Middeleeuwen</Title> <Year>1934</Year> <City>Bruxelles</City> <Publisher>Académie Royale de Belgique</Publisher> <Author>Hans Van Werveke</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>De Vlaamse Krijgsbouwkunde</Title> <Year>1950</Year> <Author>M. Van Hemelrijck</Author> <City>Tielt</City> <Publisher>Lannoo</Publisher> </Book> <Book> <Author> Herman Van Der Wee & P. Lenders & M. Bruwier & O. Pickl & M. Lévy-Leboyer & J. De Vries & Ch. Wilson & E. Fernandez De Pinedo & F. Mauro & J. A. James & R. E. Sylla. & P. Hartmann & M. Buist & J. Stengers </Author> <Title> De openbare schulde in de 18de en 19de eeuw ontwikkeling op het plaatselijk gewestelijk en nationaal vlak. 9de Internationaal Colloquium Spa, 12-16 sept. 1978 </Title> <Year>1980</Year> <Publisher>Gemeentekrediet van België</Publisher> </Book> <Book> <Title>De Generale Bank. Een permanete uitdaging</Title> <Year>1997</Year> <City>Tielt</City> <Publisher>Lannoo</Publisher> <Author>Herman Van Der Wee & Monique Verbreyt</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title> Precious Metals, Coinage and the Changes of Monetary Structures in Latin-America, Europe and Asia (Late Middle Ages - Early Modern Times) </Title> <Year>1989</Year> <City>Leuven</City> <Publisher>Leuven University Press</Publisher> <Author>Eddy Van Cauwenberghe</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>The Origin of Tyranny</Title> <Year>1922</Year> <City>Cambridge</City> <Publisher>Cambridge At The University Press</Publisher> <Author>P. Ure</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title> A Financial Revolution in the Habsburg Netherlands. Renten and Renteniers in the County of Holland, 1515-1565 </Title> <Year>1985</Year> <City>London</City> <Publisher>University of California Press</Publisher> <Author>James Tracy</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>Avant l'histoire. L'évolution des sociétés de Lascaux à Carnac.</Title> <Year>2012</Year> <City>Paris</City> <Publisher>Gallimard</Publisher> <Author>Alain Testard</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>The DownFall of Money. Germany's Hyperinflation and the Destruction of the Middle Class</Title> <Year>2013</Year> <City>London</City> <Publisher>Bloomsbury</Publisher> <Author>Frederick Taylor</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>Inleiding tot de Logica en tot de methodenleer der deductieve wetenschappen</Title> <Year>1964</Year> <City>Amsterdam</City> <Publisher>N.V. Noord-Hollandse Uitgevers Maatschappij</Publisher> <Author>A. Tarski</Author> <Comments>Nederlandse bewerking door E.W. Beth, tweede gewijzigde druk</Comments> </Book> <Book> <Title>A Financial History of The Netherlands</Title> <Year>2010 (1997)</Year> <City>New York</City> <Publisher>Cambridge University Press</Publisher> <Author>Marjolein 't Hart & Joost Jonker & Jan Luiten</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>Trial By Fire. The Huncred Years War II</Title> <Year>1999</Year> <City>London</City> <Publisher>Faber and Faber</Publisher> <Author>Jonathan Sumption</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>Time and Process in Ancient Judaism</Title> <Year>2010</Year> <City>Oxford</City> <Publisher>The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization</Publisher> <Author>Sacha Stern</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>Making Time. The Epic Quest to Invent The Perfect Calendar</Title> <Year>2000</Year> <City>New York</City> <Publisher>John Wiley & Sons</Publisher> <Author>Duncan Steel</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>Power and Profit. The Merchant in Medieval Europe</Title> <Year>2002</Year> <City>New York</City> <Publisher>Thames & Hudson</Publisher> <Author>Peter Spufford</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>Money and its Use In Medieval Europe</Title> <Year>1988</Year> <City>Cambridge</City> <Publisher>Cambridge University Press</Publisher> <Author>Peter Spufford</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title> Shylock revu et corrigé. Les Juifs, les chrétiens et le prêt d'argent dans la société médéviale </Title> <Year>2000</Year> <City>ParisLes</City> <Publisher>Belles Lettres</Publisher> <Author>Joseph Shatzmiller</Author> <Comments> Oorspronkelijke titel: Shylock reconsidered: Jews, Moeneylending, and Medieval Society, 1990 </Comments> </Book> <Book> <Title>Fin-de-siècle Vienna. Politics and Culture</Title> <Year>1981</Year> <City>New York</City> <Publisher>Vintage Books</Publisher> <Author>Carl Schorske</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>How Writing Came About</Title> <Year>1996</Year> <City>Austin</City> <Publisher>University of Texas Press</Publisher> <Author>Denise Schmandt-Besserat</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>Higgs Het elementair abc van een elementair deeltje</Title> <Year>2012</Year> <Publisher>Fontaine Uitgevers</Publisher> <Author>Govert Schilling</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>The Big Problem of Small Change</Title> <Year>2002</Year> <City>Princeton and Oxford</City> <Publisher>Princeton University Press</Publisher> <Author>Thomas Sargent & R. Velde</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>Lodewijk XIV en de Lage Landen</Title> <Year>2007</Year> <City>Leuven</City> <Publisher>Davidsfonds</Publisher> <Author>Etienne Rooms</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>The German Inflation of 1923</Title> <Year>1969</Year> <City>New York</City> <Publisher>Oford University Press</Publisher> <Author>Fritz Ringer</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>Medieval Trade and Finance</Title> <Year>1973</Year> <City>Cambridge</City> <Publisher>Cambridge University Press</Publisher> <Author>M. Postan</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>Les banquiers juifs et le Saint-Siège du XIII au XVII siècle</Title> <Year>1965</Year> <City>Paris</City> <Publisher>Calmann-Lévy</Publisher> <Author>Léon Poliakov</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title> De bakermat van de beurs. Hoe in zeventiende-eeuws Amsterdam de moderne aandelenhandel ontstond. </Title> <Year>2011</Year> <City>Amsterdam/Antwerpen</City> <Publisher>Atlas</Publisher> <Author>Lodewijk Petram</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title> The Army of Flanders and the Spanish Road 1567-1659. The Logistics of Spanish Victory and Defeat in the Low Countries' Wars </Title> <Year>1972</Year> <City>Cambridge</City> <Publisher>Cambridge at the University Press</Publisher> <Author>Geoffrey Parker</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>Het Spaanse Leger in de Lage Landen</Title> <Year>1978</Year> <City>Haarlem</City> <Publisher>Fibula-Van Dishoeck</Publisher> <Author>Geoffrey Parker</Author> <Comments>Oorspronkelijke titel: The Army of Flanders and the Spanisch Road, 1976</Comments> </Book> <Book> <Title>Urban Achievement in Early Modern Europe. Golden Ages in Antwerp, Amsterdam and London</Title> <Year>2001</Year> <City>Cambridge</City> <Publisher>Cambridge University Press</Publisher> <Author>Patrick O'Brien & Keene Derek & Marjolein 't Hart & Herman van der Wee</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>Archaic Bookkeeping</Title> <Year>1993</Year> <City>Chicago</City> <Publisher>University of Chicago Press</Publisher> <Author>Hans Nissen & Peter Damerow & Robert Englund</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title> Primitive Time Reckoning. A Study in the Origins and First Development of the Art of Counting Time Among the Primitive and Early Culture peoples </Title> <Author>Martin Nilsson & Frederick Fielden</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>Reason and Society in the Middle Ages</Title> <Year>1978</Year> <City>Oford</City> <Publisher>Clarendon Press</Publisher> <Author>Alexander Murray</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>The Real Price of Japanese Money</Title> <Year>1996</Year> <City>London</City> <Publisher>Weidenfeld & Nicolson</Publisher> <Author>R. Murphy</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>The Economy of Obligation. The Culture of Credit and Social Relations in Early Modern England</Title> <Year>1998</Year> <City>New York</City> <Publisher>Palgrave</Publisher> <Author>Craig Muldrew</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>Chasing Shadows. Mathematics, Astronomy, and the Early History of Eclipse Reckoning</Title> <Year>2011</Year> <City>Baltimore</City> <Publisher>The John Hopkins University</Publisher> <Author>Clemency Montelle</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>De nieuwe geldwolven</Title> <Year>1995</Year> <City>Utrecht</City> <Publisher>Uitgeverij Scheffers</Publisher> <Author>Gregory Milman</Author> <Translator>Gerard Grasman</Translator> </Book> <Book> <Title>De parende geest</Title> <Year>2001</Year> <Publisher>Uitgeverij Contact</Publisher> <Author>Geofrrey Miller</Author> <Translator>Bart Voorzanger</Translator> <Edition>Derde druk mei 2009</Edition> </Book> <Book> <Title>No Such Thing As Society</Title> <Year>2011</Year> <City>London</City> <Publisher>Constable</Publisher> <Author>Andy McSmith</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>The Growth of Political Thought in the West From the Greeks to the End of the Middle Ages</Title> <Year>1932</Year> <City>New York</City> <Publisher>The MacMillan Company</Publisher> <Author>Charles McIlwain</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>The Impossible Ally</Title> <Year>2006</Year> <City>London New York</City> <Publisher>I.B. Tauris</Publisher> <Author>Peter Mangold</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>Alpha Beta. How 26 Letters Shaped the Western World</Title> <Year>2000</Year> <City>New York</City> <Publisher>John Wile & Sons</Publisher> <Author>John Man</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>Clocks and the Cosmos, Time in Western Life and Thought</Title> <Year>1980</Year> <City>Hamden, Connecticut</City> <Publisher>Archon Books</Publisher> <Author>SamuelL. Macey</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>A History of Credit & Power in the Western World</Title> <Year>2001</Year> <City>New Brunswick, London</City> <Publisher>Transaction Publishers</Publisher> <Author>Scott MacDonald & Albert Gastmann</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>A Free Nation Deep In Debt. The Financial Roots Of Democracy</Title> <Year>2003</Year> <City>New York</City> <Publisher>Ferrar, Straus and Giroux</Publisher> <Author>James Macdonald</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title> An economic history of Italy from the fall of the Roman Empire to the beginning of the Sixteenth Century </Title> <Year>1961</Year> <City>London</City> <Publisher>Routledge & Keegan Paul</Publisher> <Author>Gino Luzzato</Author> <Translator>Philip Jones</Translator> </Book> <Book> <Title>The Dawn of Medern Banking</Title> <Year>1979</Year> <City>New Haven and London</City> <Publisher>Yale University Press</Publisher> <Author> Robert Lopez & Thomas Blomquist & Michael Prestwich & Jean-François Bergier & Manuel Riu & John Munro & Barisa Krecic & Harry Moskimin </Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>The Commercial Revolution of the Middle Ages, 950-1350</Title> <Year>1987</Year> <City>Cambridge</City> <Publisher>Cambridge University Press</Publisher> <Author>Robert Lopez</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>Religious Poverty and the Profit Economy in Medieval Europe</Title> <Year>1978</Year> <City>London</City> <Publisher>Paul Elek</Publisher> <Author>K. Little</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>Een beknopte geschiedenis van het boek</Title> <Year>2004</Year> <City>Antwerpen Amsterdam</City> <Publisher>Meulenhoff / Manteau</Publisher> <Author>Geert Lernhout</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>Les Indo-Européens. Fatis, débats, solutions</Title> <Year>2006</Year> <City>Paris</City> <Publisher>Éditions Errance</Publisher> <Author>Iaroslav Lebedynsky</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>Banking</Title> <Year>1925, 1928</Year> <City>London</City> <Publisher>Thornton Butterworth</Publisher> <Author>Walter Leaf</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>L'heure qu'il est. Les horloges, la mesure du temps et la formation du monde moderne</Title> <Year>1987</Year> <City>Paris</City> <Publisher>Gallimard</Publisher> <Author>David Landes</Author> <Translator>Pierre-Emmanuel Dauzat & Louis Évrard</Translator> </Book> <Book> <Title>Het Vleeshuis. Slagerspaleis van Antwerpen</Title> <Year>2004</Year> <City>Leuven</City> <Publisher>Het Davidsfonds</Publisher> <Author>Jan Lampo</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>Gold was the Mortar. The Economics of Cathedral Building</Title> <Year>2010</Year> <City>London</City> <Publisher>Routledge & Kegan Paul</Publisher> <Author>Henry Kraus</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>Scales & Wieghts. A Historical Outline</Title> <Year>1965</Year> <City>New Haven and London</City> <Publisher>Yale University Press</Publisher> <Author>Bruno Kisch</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>De deeltjesdierentuin</Title> <Year>2012</Year> <Publisher>Spectrum</Publisher> <Author>Jean-Paul Keulen</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title> Economy and Nature in the Fourtheenth Century. Money, Market Exchange, and the Emergence of Scientific Thought </Title> <Year>1998</Year> <City>Cambridge</City> <Publisher>Cambridge University Press</Publisher> <Author>Joel Kaye</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>Het paradoxale niets. Een geschiedenis van het getal nul</Title> <Year>2000</Year> <City>Amssterdam</City> <Publisher>Uitgeverij Bert Bakker</Publisher> <Author>Robert Kaplan</Author> <Translator>Bertus Aafjes</Translator> <Comments>Oorspronkelijke titel: The nothing that Is. An Natural History of Zero (1999)</Comments> </Book> <Book> <Title> Gedeelde weelde. Hoe de zenventiende-eeuwse cultuur van de Lage Landen Engeland veroverde en veranderderde </Title> <Year>2008</Year> <City>Amsterdam</City> <Publisher>Uitgeverij De Arbeiderspers</Publisher> <Author>Lisa Jardine</Author> <Translator>Henk Schreuder</Translator> <Comments>Oorspronkelijke titel: Going Dutch</Comments> </Book> <Book> <Title>Le livre grec des origines à la renaissance</Title> <Year>2001</Year> <City>Paris</City> <Publisher>Bibliothèque nationale de France</Publisher> <Author>Jean Irigoin</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>De ruimte van Christiaan Huygens</Title> <Year>2009</Year> <City>Leiden</City> <Publisher>Historische Uitgeverij</Publisher> <Author>Vincent Icke</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>De jeugd van Constantijn Huygens door hem zelf beschreven</Title> <Year>1971</Year> <City>Rotterdam</City> <Publisher>Ad. Donker</Publisher> <Author>Constantijn Huygens</Author> <Comments> Uit het Latijn vertaald, toegelicht en met aantekeningen voorzien door Dr. A. H. Kan met een bijdrage van G. Kamphuis </Comments> </Book> <Book> <Title>The Play of Time</Title> <Year>1997</Year> <City>Brrkeley Los Angeles London</City> <Publisher>University of California Press</Publisher> <Author>Janet Hoskins</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>A History of Savings Banks</Title> <Year>1949</Year> <City>London</City> <Publisher>Oxford University Press</Publisher> <Author>H. Horne</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>Reading the Past. Ancient Writing from Cneiform to the Alphabet</Title> <Year>1990</Year> <City>London</City> <Publisher>The Britisch Museum Press</Publisher> <Author> J. T. Hooker & C. B. F. Walker & W. V. Davies & John Chadwick & John Healey & B. Cook & Larissa Bonfante </Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>Aux origines des langues et du langage</Title> <Year>3005</Year> <City>Paris</City> <Publisher>Fayard</Publisher> <Author>Jean-Marie Hombert & Alexandrine Civard-Racinais</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>The German Inflation 1914-1923</Title> <Year>1986</Year> <City>Berlin, New York</City> <Publisher>Walter de Gruyter</Publisher> <Author>C.-L. Holtfrerich</Author> <Translator>Theo Balderston</Translator> </Book> <Book> <Title>L'étrange histoire des Quanta</Title> <Year>1967</Year> <City>Paris</City> <Publisher>Seuil</Publisher> <Author>Banesh Hoffman</Author> <Translator>C. De Richemont</Translator> <Comments>Oorpronkelijke titel: The Strange Story of the Quantum (1947, 1959)</Comments> </Book> <Book> <Title>Royal Taxation In Fourtheenth Century France. The Development of War Financing 1322-1356</Title> <Year>1971</Year> <City>Princeton, New Jersey</City> <Publisher>Princeton University Press</Publisher> <Author>John Henneman</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>Le clan familial au moyen âge</Title> <Year>1974</Year> <City>Paris</City> <Publisher>P.U.F.</Publisher> <Author>Jacques Heers</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>La ville au moyen âge en Occident</Title> <Year>1990</Year> <City>Paris</City> <Publisher>Fayard</Publisher> <Author>Jacques Heers</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>La naissance du capitalisme ay Moyen Age</Title> <Year>2012</Year> <City>Paris</City> <Publisher>Perrin</Publisher> <Author>Jacques Heers</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>Les débuts de l'alphabet</Title> <Year>2005</Year> <City>Paris</City> <Publisher>Les Éditions du Seuil</Publisher> <Author>John Healey</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>The Irrationals. A Story of the Numbers You Can't Count On</Title> <Year>2012</Year> <City>Princeton, Oxford</City> <Publisher>Princeton University Press</Publisher> <Author>Julian Havil</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>Greek & Romans Calendars. Constructions of Time in the Classical World</Title> <Year>2005</Year> <City>London</City> <Publisher>Duckworth</Publisher> <Author>Robert Hannah</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>L'ouverture au probable. Éléments de logique inductive</Title> <Year>2004</Year> <City>Paris</City> <Publisher>Armand Colint</Publisher> <Author>Ian Hacking & Michel Dufour</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>Kosmos. Gesschiedenis van de sterrenkunde van Stonehenge tot Hubble</Title> <Year>2009</Year> <City>Diemen</City> <Publisher>Veen Magzines</Publisher> <Author>Harm Habing</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>Eighteenth-Century France. Six Essays</Title> <Year>1929</Year> <City>London & Toronto</City> <Publisher>J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd.</Publisher> <Author>M. Green</Author> <Comments>o.a. John Law; Anglomanicas and Francophiles; Voltaire's Greatest Ennemy</Comments> </Book> <Book> <Title>La naissance de l'individu dans l'Europe médiévale</Title> <Year>1997</Year> <City>Paris</City> <Publisher>Seuil</Publisher> <Author>Aron Gourevitch</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title> Rôle des monastères comme établissements de crédit étudié en Normandie du XIième à la fin du XIIIième siècle </Title> <Year>1901</Year> <City>Paris</City> <Publisher>Arthur Rousseau</Publisher> <Author>R. Genestal</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>Einstein's Clocks</Title> <Year>2003</Year> <City>London</City> <Publisher>Sceptre</Publisher> <Author>Peter Galison</Author> </Book> <Book> <Title>William de la Pole. Merchant and King's Banker (+ 1366)</Title> <Year>1988</Year> <City>London</City> <Publisher>The Hambledon Press</Publisher> <Author>E. 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